Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kindergarten: Letter Names and Letter Sounds

I have been coming across Kindergarten students having difficulty with some letter names and letter sounds. When it is time for learning letter sounds, some children find it hard for the sound of the letter to "stick" when given numerous activities and resources for learning the particular letter sound. I have been pondering this "difficulty" for some time now. I utilize "Jolly Phonics", create letters and repeatedly say the sound of the letter. The problem I have realized is memory and auditory processing. These young students try so very hard to remember the letter and sound but they forget it quickly. So, how do you practice the sounds of letters such as /b/, /d/, /p/ without confusion? Today, we made the letter /d/ with wiki stix. They loved it. But will they remember it tomorrow? We are taught to practice, practice, practice! But, what I am realizing is that they need to "hear" the sounds in rhymes, audiobooks, and even with recording themselves saying the sounds of each letter. Tumblebooks is a wonderful sight for books online. We have so many resources at our fingertips that we tend to forget the easiest ones to use to teach these early reading skills. A small container of objects that all begin with the letter /h/ and sorting the objects into each appropriate container is one easy way to teach this concept. 

I read the story, "Alphabet Mystery" today, and as I was asking questions about the pictures and sounds the pictures begin with, they would recognize the sound. So, maybe we need to read more to our students and ask them picture questions and use tactile activities to reinforce these letter/sound skills to gain mastery! I can have students write and trace letters and repeat sounds of letters, but will it work for these students who cannot understand the letter/sound connection? I don't think so. I cannot follow one program or activity. It must be a combination of learning styles. http://bcove.me/31sbk3jv

1 comment:

Michelene M O'Neil said...

Click on the link above to see a video on a letter names and sounds activity!